End-to-end workflow for machine learning-based qubit readout with QICK and hls4ml https://arxiv.org/abs/2501.14663
Quantum Open House 2024
New coverage and photo gallery
Alex organizes the third iteration of the annual outreach event, and gives the opening talk. Hebah, Qihao, and Santi led the lab tours!
Tunneling spectroscopy paper on arXiv!
Tunneling Spectroscopy in Superconducting Circuit Lattices
Botao Du, Qihao Guo, Santiago López, Ruichao MaWe demonstrate tunneling spectroscopy of synthetic quantum matter in superconducting circuit lattices. We measure site-resolved excitation spectra by coupling the lattice to engineered driven-dissipative particle baths that serve as local tunneling probes. Using incoherent particle source and drain, we independently extract quasi-particle and quasi-hole spectra and reconstruct the spatial structure of collective excitations. We perform spectroscopy of a strongly interacting Bose-Hubbard lattice at different densities, observing changes in energy gaps across the superfluid to Mott-insulator transition and the effects of three-body interactions. Our results provide a new toolset for characterizing many-body states in analog quantum simulators.
Group attends MCAW 2024
The group travels to the Midwest Cold Atom Workshop 2024, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and celebrates Wendy’s birthday!
Santi receives Astronaut Scholarship - Congrats!
Congratulation to our undergrad student Santiago Lopez for receiving the prestigious Astronaut Scholarship!
News article: https://www.purdue.edu/niso/news/Astronaut-Scholars.php
Current measurement paper published in PRL
Our current measurement paper is published in PRL!
“Probing Site-Resolved Current in Strongly Interacting Superconducting Circuit Lattices”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 060601 (2024).
News coverage:
Welcome Hebah to the team
Welcome to the team our newest graduate student Hebah Goderya, and congratulations for receiving the Ross Fellowship!
Botao receives Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship, congrats!
Ma Lab at March Meeting 2024
Santi receives award at Purdue Undergrad Research Expo
Congratulations to Santi!
Fall undergrad research expo (2023)
Award for Research Talks
2nd Place: Developing Realistic Quantum Error Correction Models by Santiago Lopez
Mentors: Alex Ruichao Ma; Gabriel Perdue; Botao Du
Botao talks at MCAW 2023
The group attended the Midwest Cold Atom Workshop 2023 at the University of Chicago.
Botao Du gave a contributed talk titled “Driven-dissipative dynamics in superconducting circuit lattice coupled to tunable baths”. (https://mcaw2023.event.uchicago.edu/program/)
AFOSR-funded DEPSCoR grant
Alex receives an AFOSR-funded DEPSCoR grant with collaborator and mentor Prof Qi Zhou.
The project is titled “Tailoring Quantum Entanglement in Driven-Dissipative Superconducting Circuits”. This project will develop novel methods to design and create entangled quantum states in superconducting circuits, to enable advanced quantum technologies for computing, emulation and sensing applications.
News Coverage: https://www.purdue.edu/research/features/stories/purdue-gets-depscor-grants-worth-2-4-million-from-defense-department/
Quantum Open House 2023
Alex co-organized the Purdue Quantum Open House 2023, and gave the opening public lecture. Our lab ran lab tours and participated in running the various activities.
This year, over 120 participants from local communities participated in talks, research lab tours, and hands-on demo activities, all focused on introducing Quantum Science and Technology. 60 student volunteers ran the activities (nearly 40 grad students and over 20 undergrads), along with 10+ faculty members / research groups from Physics and Astronomy, Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Chemistry departments.
New Coverage: https://tinyurl.com/PurdueQOH2023
To follow past and future QOH events: https://www.physics.purdue.edu/outreach/quantum_openhouse.html
Wendy receives QSC Poster Award!
Sheng-Wen Wendy Huang received the Best Poster Award at the Quantum Science Center all-hands meeting poster session. Congratulations! Our lab is part of the Oak-Ridge-led, DOE-funded Quantum Science Center.
Kevin receives Rolf Scharenberg Graduate Fellowship
Kevin Barrow receives the Rolf Scharenberg Graduate Fellowship for this summer, congrats!
The Rolf Scharenberg Graduate Fellowship was established in 2017 through the generosity of Wendell and Nancy Lutz. The fellowships allow first- or second-year graduate students to work with a research advisor for a summer prior to joining a research group permanently. https://www.physics.purdue.edu/about/prizes_awards/graduate_awards.html#Rolffellow
Alex and Ramya lead outreach activity at Birck Nano Expo 2023
Alex and Ramya led an outreach activity at the Birck Nano Expo, where high school students learned about quantum computing and explored superconducting levitation in the quantum activity room.
Fifty Lafayette Jefferson High School students attended Birck Nanotechnology Center’s Nano Expo 2023 on Friday (April 14). The Nano Expo is an immersive, hands-on experience where high school students can discover how nanotechnology is used and learn about the many career opportunities in the field available in Indiana.
Second fridge! We now have Alice and Bob:)
Second Bluefors dilution fridge!
Alex leads outreach activity in Physics Inside Out
Alex taught a group of students in grade 7 and 8 about light, interference, and holograms. Each one made their own hologram!
Physics Inside Out is an NSF-funded outreach program run annually in the summer by the Department of Physics and Astronomy, see detailed here:
Ma Lab at March Meeting 2022
Alex, Botao and Ramya will be presenting at the APS March Meeting 2022 in Chicago:
Ramya Suresh - Monday B38.00007 : Superconducting Circuits for Probing Quantum Materials
Alex is giving an invited talk on Thursday morning in the Quantum Simulation session:
S43.00003 : Many-body physics in driven-dissipative superconducting quantum circuits
Alex receives NSF CAREER award!
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Dr. Alex Ruichao Ma, Assistant Professor of Physics, the CAREER Award to pursue research aimed at engineering and understanding novel quantum materials in superconducting circuits.
Press release: https://www.physics.purdue.edu/news/2021/1221_ma_nsf.html