This is a lab manual for the Ma Lab - we are a team of experimental physicists building superconducting circuits to explore fundamental questions and applications in quantum information science and engineering.
Gentle introduction to quantum simulation using superconducting circuits:
Introductory (but technical) materials for circuit QED:
Tutorial webinars: A practical guide to superconducting qubit experiments (C2QA QIS 302)
Practical Guide for Building Superconducting Quantum Devices (PRX 2021)
M. Naghiloo, “Introduction to Experimental Quantum Measurement with Superconducting Qubits”. PhD Dissertation (2019).
A must-read for anyone who wants to succeed in research:
Great online seminar series in Quantum Information Sciences:
IBM QisKit QIS Seminar Series - see also the other Qiskit video/tutorial series in the channel
Seminars at Center for Quantum Technologies, Singapore: YouTube channel
Harvard ITAMP workshops - Youtube channel, list of past workshops (usually with link to recordings) - e.g. the recent 2019 ITAMP winter school on Quantum Many-body Physics: lecture recordings. Many other workshops at the frontiers of AMO/QIS theory.
KITP@UCSB - most programs are recorded, see listings here; e.g. some recent programs: “Topological Quantum Matter: Concepts and Realizations”, “Open Quantum System Dynamics: Quantum Simulators and Simulations Far From Equilibrium”, “The Dynamics of Quantum Information”, “Thermodynamics of quantum systems: Measurement, engines, and control“, “Synthetic Quantum Matter“, “Many-body Localization“, “Many-Body Physics with Light“, …
Gentle introductions to Quantum Computing:
Quantum computing for the very curious - by Andy Matuschak and Michael Nielsen
Quantum mechanics for everyone @ edX - by James Freericks
Quantum Technology: Computing @ edX - PurdueX MicroMasters program
Modern resources for learning QIS:
Learn Quantum Computation using Qiskit - interactive introductory QC textbook by IBM
Lectures on scientific computing with Python; Lectures on QuTiP; other resources by J. R. Johansson
A wonderful curated list of educational resources for QIS by the Quantum Computing Report
K-12 education :
QuanTime at the National Q-12 Education Partnership
Other fun channels :
The Signal Path - great videos on microwave engineering / equipment testing